Waterford’s School Store, the RavenZone, is the place to go for P.E. uniforms, as well as Waterford-branded fan gear so that Ravens of all ages can show their school spirit. The store stocks a selection of golf shirts, shorts, socks, sweatshirts, windbreakers, jackets, hats, backpacks and more.
Located inside the Miller Student Commons, the RavenZone is staffed by a wonderful group of parent volunteers and our store manager, Cami Haderlie.
The store accepts major credit cards and charges to student accounts.
Hours: The RavenZone is open Monday-Thursday from 8:15-10:00 AM and 11:30-12:30 PM. The RavenZone will follow the academic calendar and close when the school is closed and during Finals weeks. Store hours may change—please call 801-576-4958 to confirm the store is open.
Questions and inquiries? camihaderlie@waterfordschool.org