Three Class V robotics teams competed at the First Lego League qualifier tournament at Salt Lake Community College on Saturday, January 14. At the tournament, our young roboticists battled in three robot games against other teams from the region. Students have been building and programming their robots all season to master missions on this year’s animal-themed game board, Animal Allies.
All three teams conducted extensive research related to a chosen animal and the impact of human interaction with their chosen species. After selecting one problem related to this interaction, the teams were required to develop an innovative solution for their problem. The three teams had fun designing presentations for a panel of judges with whom they shared their research, problems, and solutions.
It was an intense day, and our young teams handled the pace and pressure beautifully. Our Class V teams are always among the youngest participants at these qualifiers, and they always score well above average. This year, more than 28,000 kids participated in the Animal Allies season worldwide. We are so proud of these kids and their hard work.
See more photos here!
October 27, 2017
February 11, 2022
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