Nicole Miranda

Director of Admissions M.P.A., University of Utah

Nicole Miranda, Director of Admission at the Waterford School, is a graduate of the University of Utah where she earned a B.A. in International Studies, a B.S. in Economics, and a Master of Public Administration.

Prior to her arrival at the Waterford School in 2012, Nicole was a Foreign Exchange Analyst for Goldman Sachs and an Admissions Counselor and Recruiter for the Office of Student Recruitment at the University of Utah. Having presented at nearly all high schools in Utah and visited all institutions for higher education in the state she continues to serve the K-16 population. As a first-generation college graduate, Nicole is passionate about opportunity and empowerment through quality education for all students.

Nicole is a first-generation Chilean-American and spends a portion of her free time writing short stories about her parents’ life in exile. She enjoys researching global birth experiences, reading historical novels and most of all spending time with the two little people that inspire her most, her children.