Dear Parents,
On the eve of our holiday break, I write to convey a simple yet profound thank you for your extraordinary support over the first four months of the school year. Our ability to stay in session demonstrates our collective fortitude and resilience, and our shared reverence for the transformational education that happens each day here on campus.
While challenge and uncertainty remain, I hope the spirit of the season imbues in each of us a sense of possibility, of optimism, and of buoyant hope. This is the gift of a Waterford education that you provide to your child. An education that illuminates and lifts up; an education that lights the way to a bright and inspiring future.
We hope this holiday video reminds us all of the joy, wonder, and beauty of the season, and of our extraordinary learning community. You may also find additional Waterford student holiday music from all divisions here.
Thank you for sharing your children with us, and on behalf of everyone here at Waterford School, we wish you a happy and healthy holiday season and a wonderful start to 2021!
Andrew Menke, Head of School
February 22, 2022
October 26, 2022
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