In the Lower School we challenge students to increase their independent reading time. Students are invited to earn a spot in our 500 Club each month by reading 500 plus minutes. Alumni visit our monthly reading assemblies to share their passion for reading with our students and to explain how reading inspired them pursue their professions. Our alumni always discuss their favorite books they read when in Lower School. Faculty members and students also share books they love to read. Our goal is to inspire students to read for fun, and to discover reading as a way to answer their own questions and explore their own interests.
We are passionate about promoting reading for many obvious reasons:
Here are some interesting facts to consider:
Student A: reads 1 minute per day; 180 minutes per year; 8,000 words per year; usually averages in the 10th percentile on standardized testing. Student B: reads 5 minutes per day; 900 minutes a year; 282,000 words per year; usually averages in the 50th percentile on standardized testing. Student C: reads 20 minutes per day; 36,000 minutes a year; 1,8000,000 words per year; usually averages in the 90th percentile on standardized testing.
One of the greatest rewards of teaching is sharing the gift of reading and great literature with students. Reading is a crucial element in the foundation of a liberal arts education. We are excited to watch the passion for reading grow in our young learners, and we recognize and appreciate the collaboration between home and school that fuels this passion for reading.
December 13, 2016
November 30, 2016
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