In September, eight Waterford Seniors from the Class of 2020 were named National Merit Semifinalists—Matthew B., Ariane K., Evan L., Colin P., Gabe R., Katie S., Shilp S., and Emma S. The National Merit Scholarship is one that recognizes academic achievement but also takes into account community participation and leadership ability. Waterford School is proud to announce we have eight National Merit Finalists, out of a Senior Class of 82.
Of that group, students who earned scholarship funds from the National Merit program include:
Ariane K., National Merit Scholarship winner– $2500 to be used at any college or university.
The following Finalists will receive National Merit Scholarship money from the colleges they plan to attend..
Evan L., The University of Arizona National Merit Scholarship award
Colin P., Tufts University National Merit Scholarship award
Katie S., University of Southern California National Merit Scholarship Award
To see the National Merit Semifinalist announcement from the fall, click here.
August 23, 2023
December 13, 2021
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