When we talk about what a great education looks like, we often look to what is happening in the classroom. We talk about the quality of the teaching and the levels of engagement that students demonstrate during class. But as teachers, we know that our face-time with students is just one part of the school experience.
At Waterford, we encourage students to become independent learners, engaged and responsible citizens, and continually curious intellectual thinkers. These are some pretty lofty goals for our busy student body, but this year, we've taken one new step that might help all students feel supported on their paths towards an excellent education.
The After School Homework Center supports and models productive out-of-class learning conditions. It is a resource that provides a quiet, supervised study space where students can complete homework with some coaching on organization and study skills, light academic support, and assistance in taking advantage of other academic supports such as the Math Lab or Writing Center. Students do not need to sign up for After School Homework Center, but it may be recommended or required (in collaboration with parents) as a support for students who need additional academic support. The Waterford After School Homework Center is open from 3:30-5:30 p.m., M-F, in the East Library.
In the Homework Center, we help students develop the organizational skills, self-discipline, study strategies and the focus they need to really take ownership of their own education. As our faculty takes a long look at what makes homework efficient, effective and meaningful, we are simultaneously supporting our student body by shaping how they might experience their homework load.
The After School Homework Center is a resource that is open and available to all students in Middle and Upper School, free of any additional charge to families. Many of our Middle School students report leaving the Homework Center at 5:30 p.m. having completed all of their homework for the evening, which we hope has taken the pressure off of parents and allowed students to have more balanced lives.
What does an excellent education feel like? It feels like great learning in the classroom, a sense of competence during homework hours, and the ability to know when you might need a little extra structure to develop the study habits that would help you succeed.
October 16, 2023
November 7, 2024
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