Waterford Debate had an incredible first tournament of the 2019-20 school year on Thursday, October 3. We had 20 students compete! The team walked away with three first place trophies. Our first place winners were Emma S. ’20, Gabe R. 20, Sophia T.’22 , Neve R. ’22, and Joss G. ’20
Congratulations to the following students in attendance:
Henry C. ’22 Joss G. ’20 Daniel J. ’22 Arnav W. ’22 Luke M. ’23 Gabe R. ’20 Neve R. ’22 Sophia T. ’22 Addison S. ‘23 Fatemeh S. ’22 Mia S. ‘23 Emma S. ’20 Lalith S. ’22 Halle W. ’23 Aleah Z. ’23
These students put significant time into preparing for this tournament. They worked through lunches, asked for feedback on their cases, and participated in numerous practice rounds. All of their hard work paid off. The Waterford Debate Team exemplifies many of the Waterford core values—they show excellence in their work and commitment to the team. They practice responsibility, especially when it comes to team events and you have a partner relying on you. And finally, they must show curiosity—students must dive deep into their debate topics in order to discuss them in deep and meaningful ways, and understand the complexities that surround them. It was an incredible night and we are so proud of our students.
September 22, 2023
April 12, 2022
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