Waterford’s visual art teachers and students have been incredibly committed and able to adapt to our current online/remote learning model. It has been challenging for sure. We miss gathering in the drawing and painting studios, the kiln room, and the darkroom.
The value of the art studio as a space to gather, to store materials and tools, to leave paintings on easels and sculptures on shelves ready and waiting to be worked and re-worked — has never been more clear than it is now.
Online art teaching is strange/fun/sometimes frustrating, but not impossible. There have been moments of success and even beauty. Some days students struggle and other days they shine bright and create beautiful works of art. Here is a small selection of some of the work made so far during this unique Spring term. We hope you will see the excellence, curiosity and playfulness of your student artists in these works.
Elise H., Class VI – Lemonade Stop Action – Ms. Stewart
Lydia S., Class VI – The Portal Stop Action – Ms. Stewart
April 19, 2017
May 2, 2024
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