Home Community Blog All Schools Week of Giving and The Joni Jensen Dinner


The Joni Jensen dinner last Friday was a huge success, and I am always inspired by how our community comes together each year to offer a warm and meaningful welcome to so many refugees.  Local refugees in connection with The International Rescue Committee (The IRC) are invited to dinner on campus at Waterford which is hosted by students, parents, faculty and staff. The IRC was founded by Albert Einstein and responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. 

Joni Jensen Dinner
The Joni Jensen Dinner

The entire week of giving—donations, volunteering and support—leads up to the Dinner, where Middle School students make fleece blankets and both Middle and Upper School students bring in donations which are ultimately packaged into Welcome Baskets.

Middle School students making fleece blankets for the Welcome Baskets
Middle School Students standing with the blankets they made during the All Schools Week of Giving

At the dinner, Waterford hosted 85 people to our campus, providing a fantastic meal and creating Welcome Baskets for all 20 families who attended. Each basket contained the donated items from the Middle and Upper School students. A large number of Upper School students worked throughout the All Schools Week of Giving—especially all day Friday—to ensure a well-organized and special event for all. Students led advertising the event, organizing the Assembly Hall, building and inventorying the baskets, arranging activities for children, welcoming each guest, serving food and helped carry all of the donated items to the car.

Middle School students making fleece blankets for the Welcome Baskets

In addition, some additional highlights for the week included Lower School's incredible generosity in donating to the Utah Food Bank. Associate Director of Athletics, Mr. Judd and the men’s and women’s basketball teams provided youth sports equipment at the Joni Jensen Dinner, which is the highlight for each child. Lower School students, led by Mrs. Dahl and Mrs. Hoke made festive centerpieces for the tables, and Mrs. Morris and Sophie T. ’19 offered a penny-whistle lesson to some of the children.

Lower School donations for the Utah Food Bank
Lower School donations for the Utah Food Bank

Thanks again to everyone who participated!

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